We've been doing a little
spring cleaning here at the library and Ms. Whitney has noticed that she's
collected a lot of extra copies!!
The only thing left to do is
have a GIVEAWAY!!
By May 1st I will
have our first official book club posts up. Make sure you read our “Rules and
Guidelines” post so that you know what to do when you're commenting on each book. For this very
first giveaway anyone who comments on one or both posts by May 8th will have their name entered into a drawing
for our book prize pack!!
Some things to remember...
Your comment must
follow the rules and guidelines to be considered.
If you comment on
BOTH book posts you will be entered TWICE.
If you comment on
ONE post two times you will only be entered ONCE.
Comments for the
May 1st posts (titles to be announced) will be the only ones
5. If you are still reading you can comment that you're not finished yet!
6. You can preview May's books this week when I post the May preview on Tuesday (April 23rd)
Happy Reading!!!