Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Official May Book Preview Post!!!


Now that all the boring gobbily gook is done we can concentrate on what's really important! Our first books!!!


Thank you Miss Claire for our first suggestion! We will be looking at...

Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life by Wendy Mass!


You can find a summary at the following Goodreads link...

Our next book will be....

Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer by John Grisham


You can also find a summary of this one at Goodreads with the following link...

We have copies of both of these books available now at the library. Hope you all get a chance to pick one up and join us! Don't forget to read the previous post about our May Giveaway!


Happy Reading, look for their official review posts on May 1st!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Very First Stacks GIVEAWAY!


We've been doing a little spring cleaning here at the library and Ms. Whitney has noticed that she's collected a lot of extra copies!!


The only thing left to do is have a GIVEAWAY!!


By May 1st I will have our first official book club posts up. Make sure you read our “Rules and Guidelines” post so that you know what to do when you're commenting on each book. For this very first giveaway anyone who comments on one or both posts by May 8th  will have their name entered into a drawing for our book prize pack!!

Some things to remember...

1.   Your comment must follow the rules and guidelines to be considered.

2.   If you comment on BOTH book posts you will be entered TWICE.

3.   If you comment on ONE post two times you will only be entered ONCE.

4.   Comments for the May 1st posts (titles to be announced) will be the only ones considered
5. If you are still reading you can comment that you're not finished yet!
6. You can preview May's books this week when I post the May preview on Tuesday (April 23rd)

Happy Reading!!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rules and Guidelines

So we gotta have them... A few simple guidelines to keep everyone safe, happy, and reading! I'm throwing in a book review overview so we are all on the same page... If you have any questions feel free to comment them here or you can always contact me, Whitney, at the library!

Please give special attention to numbers 3, 8, and 9!

  1. Every month we will have 2 book posts that will include title, author, and summary. There may also be some thoughts and/or questions to guide your comments.
  2. You may comment on one or both of these. Your comment can express if you read the book what you thought, if you would recommend it, and what you would like to read next. If you would NOT like to read the book feel free to comment why and what you would like to see on the blog next month.
  3. Please keep these comments CLEAN, APPROPRIATE, KIND, and CONSTRUCTIVE. I will moderate each comment before it is posted so if you do not follow this guideline I will not publish your comment on the board.
  4. Anyone (regardless of age) who has an opinion on the current books may comment on that book's post. Keep in mind that most books chosen will be from the 12 – 18 age range.
  5. Any giveaways, special book club events, or summer reading related programs will be introduced and discussed in separate posts.
  6. Towards the end of each month we will preview the books for next month in a special “month's end” post.
  7. We will try to include books that will appeal to everyone's reading taste. If you feel that a certain book type is being neglected please feel free to suggest it.
  8. Please carefully consider if you want to include any private information in your comments. Blogspot does give you the opportunity to add your email address or a profile from a different social site. You may also comment as a guest and just include your first name, or a special user name in the actual comment. Just make sure I know the user name so that you'll get credit for giveaways, or Summer Reading Points.
  9. Finally, I will need to have consent from parents if you are under the age of 16. I will have forms available at the library starting Saturday April 20th.

**These rules are subject to change at any time, but I will always let you know if they have! If you feel that something has been left off please feel free to let me, Whitney, know!

Always use common sense when posting on a public, online, site!

Monday, April 15, 2013

What do you want to read?

Now taking book suggestions! What should we read first? Remember starting in May will have 2 book suggestions per month. Should we start with a classic and a sci fi? A mystery and a romance? Let us know what you want to see on here!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Stacks - Coming Soon!!


Attention all Young Adult Lovers of the South Jefferson Public Library!! We soon will have our very own Online Book Club!

The idea here is that we will offer 2 books a month. If you would like to read them, have already read them, or have no intention of reading them, you are welcome to post you opinion on that book's post!

We are still in the very beginning stages with things like security, layout, and membership to work out, but we will be up and live soon! Please feel free to comment on this post with any suggestions for the site, or for our very first book posts! I hope that May 2013 will be our first month!

**Please note that all comments here are monitored before becoming public so keep it clean and relivant!